Friday, April 19, 2013


I had seen some parts of Gasland before, but not all of it, and just watched the entire thing a this week. It's a documentary about the fracking disaster in America. It's well done, and gets the point across, but I think that the director could have done more with it to convince people of the harm of fracking. He focused too much on the sad destruction of people's property and changes in their lives due to fracking and not enough on the actual health hazards, harms, environmental and economic issues that come with fracking too. Instead, the documentary focuses on a couple of families who have lost clean water and portrayed the lack of attention and help they were getting from the government both on a local and federal level. The main message from his film wasn't that fracking is bad, it is that the government does not comply to its own people, which is a powerful and important message, but such an issue carries through in many aspects of government, not just due to fracking. 

The Vaccine War

Awesome, informative, nothing too new. I appreciated hearing other objections to vaccinations that didn't come from Jenny McCarthy. I feel too biased on this subject to fairly watch this movie. Vaccinate your children, for them and for other children. There are many unnecessary products of modern medicine but vaccines are one of the discoveries we should be utilizing to the fullest.